3 Blogging Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Blogging can be a powerful B2B marketing tool to promote your business. Creating frequent content can result in more traffic, thereby bringing in more leads and hopefully more sales. It can also be an effective strategy to establish your company as an authority in your industry and brand your executive team as thought leaders in their field. Ultimately the goal is to reach prospects and educate decision makers.
While blogging has many benefits, there are challenges that can be difficult to overcome with limited resources. We look into some of these challenges and efficient ways to fix them in this blog.


Low Website Traffic or Low Return Visitors

Having an online presence is essential for any business. The more visitors you can attract to your blog, the higher the chances to generate a lead and close a sale. The problem is, with all the information available on the web, it is difficult to get the attention of your target audience. Here’s what you can do:
Be More Customer Centric
Take a good look at the content you have produced so far and objectively evaluate how much value it provides customers or prospects. If you have a company focused blog, the emphasis would be on your company and product offerings. It provides long-detailed information about product features and benefits. A customer centric blog, on the other hand, provides content with the audience in mind. It takes into account the prospects’ pain points and motivations and presents various solutions. Put your customer first in your content strategy. This will help you build a stronger relationship and drive higher customer lifetime value.
Create Buyer Personas
Tailor your content based on buyer personas. Buyer personas are generalized representations of your ideal customers. It gives you a clear idea of who you are trying to attract and customize your content to match their specific needs and interests. You can develop them by conducting market research, looking into your database, interviewing customers or talking with your sales team.
Revisit Your SEO Strategy
Because Google tweaks its algorithm periodically, you should stay on top of new SEO trends. New changes can impact your ability to get in front of your target audience. Your target keywords also need to be reviewed from time to time. If no one uses the terms you are trying to rank for, no one will find your blogs. Free tools such as Google’s Keyword Planner or paid services such as Moz can help you keep track trending keywords.

Low Conversion Rate

Low conversion rates can be very frustrating. You may be able to increase traffic to your site but if you are not converting them into actual sales, your company will not survive. Here are some tips on how to increase your conversion rates.
Have a Clear Call to Action
Calls to action are critical to the conversion process. The way you present it impacts whether you can influence your prospect to take action or ignore your message. It should be clear and unambiguous and related to the benefits that the target audience expects. Take into account where they are in the customer buying journey. Asking them to commit too early can mean losing a potential customer.
Communicate Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)
If your audience doesn’t have a clear idea what you are offering, they will not convert them into paying customers. Clarity is key. When presenting your product as a solution to their business challenges, steer clear from complicated jargon. Communicate what makes you different from the competition and how your product provides real and tangible value. If you don’t have a solid UVP, it may be time to go back to the drawing board.

Lack of Resources

As a business owner, there are a lot of concerns that you need to deal with. You may not have the time to focus on marketing or you have a small staff that is often stretched thin. Thus your company may find it difficult to consistently produce quality content. Here are some strategies to help you deal with limited resources.
Repurpose Existing Content
It can be a challenge to create new and original material on your site on a regular basis. One way to get around this is to repurpose older content. Blog posts can be turned into an infographic or guides. You can review your most popular posts and write related articles with a different perspective. As long as you focus on providing value to your readers, repurposing evergreen content can be a huge time saver.
You can consider outsourcing your content marketing efforts so that you can focus on other aspects of your business. Blogging takes time because it is not so much about simply writing the post, but also about the editing and promotions involved. Hiring a credible marketing agency gives you the benefit of tapping into the expertise of experienced writers and subject matter experts. You also can easily scale your writing projects up or down without having to rehire or retrain new marketing staff.
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3 Blogging Challenges and How to Overcome Them