AI Generated Content – Exploring the Pros and Cons

With the rise of content marketing, businesses are constantly in search of ways to help them produce more articles, blog posts, and other forms of content, and ai content generation is a great solution. AI generated content has been making waves in recent years. By using artificial intelligence (AI) to create content, businesses can save time and resources, and potentially even increase the quality of their content.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of AI-generated content to help you decide whether it’s right for your business.


Cost-efficient: One of the biggest benefits of AI-generated content is that it can be a cost-effective solution for businesses. Writing content can be both time-consuming and expensive, but by using AI, businesses can cut down on costs by producing content quickly and with minimal human input.

Increased productivity: For businesses that need to produce a large amount of content, AI generated content can be a game-changer. AI-generated content can be produced in seconds, and businesses can enjoy an increase in productivity without having to worry about the quality of the content.

24/7 availability: By using AI to generate content, businesses can produce articles and posts around the clock, without having to worry about an employee’s productivity schedule. This round-the-clock availability can help businesses keep up with the ongoing content demand, especially when dealing with global audiences.


Lack of creativity: Although AI can produce content quickly, it lacks the creativity and nuance that comes with human input. AI-generated content can seem robotic, repetitive, and lacking in personality, making it less appealing to human readers.

Inconsistent quality: While AI generated content can be a cost-effective solution, sometimes writers are necessary for high-quality copywriting. AI-generated content may include errors, lack an in-depth knowledge, or miss the mark on tone or message, affecting the quality of the content as a whole.

Depersonalization: Using AI to generate content can depersonalize the brand’s ‘voice’. Much of human storytelling relies on being able to develop a narrative that appeals to people on an emotional level, and this is especially true in marketing and sales. AI generated content may not always be able to achieve this.

AI-generated content is a controversial topic in the world of marketing and content creation. While it has its advantages when it comes to cost and productivity, it can struggle with creating content that resonates with an audience in a meaningful way. Ultimately, whether or not your brand opts to use AI-generated content depends on the nature of your business.

Large corporations with vast amounts of data or content needs may benefit, while smaller brands that are looking to connect with their audience on a more personal, relatable level, may prefer to stick with writers. It’s important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages and be aware of the trade-offs before committing to AI-generated content and how it can work with your audience. Looking for more support around content and ai generated content? Connect with us. 

AI Generated Content – Exploring the Pros and Cons