Startups: Don’t Sell Yourself Short

Don't Sell Yourself Short
One area that I often coach the entrepreneurs we work with is to make sure that when selling their firms solutions, is don’t sell yourself short, sell yourself just as much, if not more.
When you don’t have a lot of clients, you simply can’t take for granted that because your company can provide a great return on investment to a customer, that they will buy even if you have a few wins under your belt. They are really basing their purchase on their belief in you!
At the end of the day, your firm is only as good as you really are. So don’t be afraid to build confidence in your capabilities and hence those of your firms by walking prospects through your past experiences, successes and so forth. As an example, your educational background – MBA/PhD, professional awards you may have one, past clients.

We Canadians seem to constantly understate our successes and capabilities. I am not sure if this is a cultural challenge we face but it seems to be commonplace across the board. I to am often caught doing the same thing. When it comes to winning business, you need to sometimes press the boundaries of where you feel comfortable and that may mean taking some time to highlight why a client should choose you in addition to your company. It is okay to be confident in your abilities and the customer needs to hear this.
Always remember, don’t sell yourself short!
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Startups: Don’t Sell Yourself Short