Outsourcing in some capacity has been around since the dawn of time. Whether it be a flower using a bee to pollenate or people using animals to assist with hunting, this is all a basic form of outsourcing. For businesses, in many cases there is an essential need for outsourcing services or functions.
Typically the reason for outsourcing is to reduce costs, reduce risk, allow the company to focus on its core services, and the list goes on. When it comes to B2B sales and marketing outsourcing however, there are a number of specific reasons that are not typically considered when one is making the argument to outsource. These include:
Getting access to a team with a wide range of sales and marketing vs. a dedicated sales or marketing person
As a firm that specializes in B2B sales and marketing outsourcing, I know one of the very big benefits we bring to the table is our depth of knowledge for sales and marketing. These two areas go hand in hand now more than ever. Being able to strategize and execute at a senior sales and marketing level is a huge benefit, particularly because it does not require specific dedicated resources to each area. Rather, a team that works with both sales and marketing can take a flexible approach where the right people are utilized when needed. Why hire a full time sales VP, full time sales rep, and a full-time marketing manager if you don’t need to and could simply outsource these roles at a third of the cost?
Leveraging a much wider network than a single connection
There are a couple of facets to this in particular. One is that a firm that does B2B sales and marketing outsourcing, particularly if they have done it for some time, would have their own sizeable network of warm leads to call, which can help speed up the sales process. Second, this network can further include other support services such as government grant specialists, angel investors, accounting professionals, and partnership opportunities with other firms. These benefits are hard to quantify but are very valuable.
Pulling from the knowledge gained through various client interactions
When you have a staff member completely dedicated to sales and/or marketing, they in some cases are not able to step back or even have the opportunity to look at new technologies, social platforms, or tools that could benefit the business. One of the biggest assets of working with a firm that provides B2B sales and marketing outsourcing services to a variety of clients is that they are typically always looking at new ways to solve a variety of client challenges, especially because each client requires a different strategy to suit their needs. As the variety of clients increase, so do the tools, ideas and methodologies a company will use to solve their sales and marketing challenges. So having a partner that can leverage best practice from different sectors or industries can be not only refreshing but can add a competitive advantage.
If you’re looking for b2b sales and marketing outsourcing assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. For great insight into startup sales and marketing, feel free to sign up for our newsletter or follow us on Twitter.