When leveraging social media to improve your online presence, it’s important to share your own content to promote your business skills, but to also share third party content relevant to your audience. There are many reasons why sharing third party content can help benefit your business, including:
- Improve your following
- Engage your audience
- Meet potential clients
- Get noticed
- Drive traffic back to your website
- Develop positive working relationships
- Networking
Here are some suggestions for finding and sharing great third party content:
Twitter is a great place to promote your business and also gain more of a following. Twitter is a platform that most businesses use as it can reach a wide and diverse audience. We utilize Twitter daily, sharing posts that we think is relevant, valuable and engaging for our audience.
Twitter Lists
Utilizing Twitter Lists is a great way to find great content quickly and easily. We create Twitter Lists on Twitter.com and then add them to our dashboard in HootSuite. The HootSuite dashboard displays our lists in a way that makes it easy to find what we are look for. We have labeled our lists as follows:
- Leaders in Startup
- Helpful Startup Resources
- Great Reads
- Startup Influencers
- Customers
- Local
- Great Canadian Startups
We like to share content based on startups, social media, marketing and sales so this makes it easy to organize and pick out great content for our followers. At first, it takes a bit of time to create Twitter Lists, but over time you will see the benefit in them.
We utilize HootSuite daily to schedule our social media posts. We find that by being proactive and scheduling our posts a day or two in advance it allows us to stay organized and make revisions if necessary. Twitter Lists especially come in handy when utilizing HootSuite.
Once your Twitter Lists are created, add them to your HootSuite dashboard to view the live feed. From there you can scroll through your lists or click on the magnifying glass to search for keywords you are looking for.
We find that when we share third party content we often receive a response from the author thanking us for sharing their content. The more you share, the better your chances of having others share your content as well.
It’s important to be sharing content that is relevant to your audience. Don’t spam your audience, but share quality work. It will reflect positively on you in the end.
Looking for more ways to improve your inbound lead generation strategy? Download our white paper.