Ask the Experts: Marketing Insights for 2024

Every year we connect with a handful of marketing experts and have them share their marketing insights for the year ahead. We ask specific questions around developments that we are seeing in the B2B marketing world, and how they and their teams are adapting to the rapid changing industry.

What do they have to say this year? Let’s take a look.

After closing the door on 2023, we were curious to see where our experts were going to shift their marketing tactics or strategies in 2024, and where they and their teams would concentrate their marketing efforts. Here is what they had to say. 

Stacey Kerslake- VA Partners 

In 2024, we are putting a lot of our marketing efforts into video. We know that potential customers are being inundated with information each and every day, and it can be hard to break through the noise, especially with written content. Over the years, we have developed really strong marketing content through blogs, and white papers that we are now taking those collateral assets and reformatting them to video. Video does not need to be a burden, it can be done well and affordably all while relying on existing content. We help our clients come to this realization as well, in highlighting the areas in which they can repurpose existing content and bring it to the forefront with video. Video is easily digestible, and now as more social platforms are adopting in ap video features, it is easier than ever to share video with your audience. 

Mark Evans- Marketing Spark
Two key themes in 2024 are conversations and relationships. There’s so much noise that you can’t rely on demand generation to drive leads. Instead, it’s about being proactive to connect with the people who matter to you. Obviously, influencer marketing will be a key lever.

Vanesa Green- Greenlight Content 

Personalization and targeted messaging will become even more critical this year in order to rise above the noise and stay ahead of the competition. Knowing who your audience is and creating content that speaks directly to their pain points and challenges will be crucial. Mining customer feedback and reviews, getting testimonials and creating case studies will help paint a clearer picture of how your solutions provide value and how to communicate that value to prospects.

Jennifer Gauvreau- Innovation Factory Hamilton  
As a small (but mighty) marketing team with limited resources, we will be focusing on optimization and inclusivity this year.  We will be updating our social strategies to maximize our return. We want to ensure we are building a community and showing up on social in a way that followers want. While evaluating return on investment, we have decided to part ways with one channel in particular, recognizing we could reassign those efforts to have more impact elsewhere. We will further develop and enhance our SEO and landing page efforts, which will include utilizing new tools and building repeatable processes to maximize all of our content.  Additionally, we want to prioritize where and how we show up for our current and future clients. This means taking a closer look at each way we engage, from our application forms and websites to the ecosystems we could support as well as where and how we host events.

Sourov De – Stryve Digital Marketing 
In the 15 years we’ve been doing digital marketing, we’ve seen a lot of tactics and strategy trends in B2B—some lasted longer than others. But one thing that’s never going to go out of style is a brand and website that connects with your target market on an emotional level.

This year, we’re going to keep pushing clients to go beyond the surface-level features and benefits of their products and services to connect with a deeper “why”. When a brand and its messaging connect to a larger, emotional purpose, all tactics benefit. Your website gets more engagement. Your social audience grows. Your content gets people raising their hands to have a conversation. The alignment around a core “why” has huge impacts across an organization.

Additionally, we’re reemphasizing inbound marketing with our clients. With the decline of precise ad targeting and increased use of ad blockers, hunting for every meal for your clients using paid ads is becoming increasingly difficult. On the other hand, building a sustainable farm by providing genuinely helpful content that solves their problem builds long-term online relationships and better qualified inbound leads.

Shelley Mayer- Ramp Communications 

In 2024, our team is focusing on bringing stories of impact to life through authentic storytelling. Through video content, visual elements, and social media campaigns, our goal is to highlight the efforts of the non-profits, charities, and causes we work with. By prioritizing impact storytelling, we aim to inform and emotionally engage audiences, fostering a community dedicated to positive change and amplifying the voices of those making a difference.

Our experts still have a lot to say about marketing tactics and trends for 2024. Follow us on LinkedIn to learn more. 

Ask the Experts: Marketing Insights for 2024