How to Plan a Blog Post [Video]

We’re back with another how-to video. This time I am discussing how to plan a blog post. If you have haven’t seen the first video in this series, check it out here: Why your business should be blogging.

A company blog on your website has a number of benefits such as providing valuable content to your audience, increasing traffic and leads, and the integration with social media. Are you wondering how to get started? In this video, we’ll discuss what it takes to plan and write a successful blog post for your company.


Before beginning to write your blog post, determine what the goal or purpose of your post is. Does it address a need, problem or question of your reader? How does this blog post relate to your business’s services, products and overall goals? First, answer these questions to help guide your writing.

2. Title

Once you’ve thought of a topic, the next step is writing a title. Be clear and specific in your title so the reader knows exactly what to anticipate from the rest of the blog post. Generally, successful types of titles include How to blogs or lists. Your title is also important because it is often used as the copy to share your content on social media.

3. Subheadings

Next, break down the body of your blog post into a few broad points. Separate each section using subheading so that readers can easily skim over your content. This type of organization will also make your blog post more visually appealing. Make sure to keep your headline in mind so your content is directly reflective of your title, to reduce confusion for the reader.

4. Call to Action

Write a conclusion that includes a strong call to action (CTA). A CTA is used to entice your reader to take a next step after reading your blog post. For the biggest impact, use a strong verb to get your reader to take action such as buy, subscribe or call. Clearly define what value you’re adding if the reader chooses to take action. This can include actions such as signing up for a newsletter or participating in a webinar. Be enthusiastic with your call to action to get an emotional reaction out of your reader.

5. Images

Include images in your blog post to increase visual interest and complement your writing. Images can provide context and help to better explain your ideas. They can also act as a great tool for grabbing your audience’s attention right off the bat.

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How to Plan a Blog Post [Video]