Even the best products or solutions still need some sales assistance. We’ll explain how to be good in sales …especially in tough economic times.
In my past experiences I have found that many technology entrepreneurs underestimate the difficulty in “commercializing” or “getting product to market”.
Many assume that because they have a unique or superior product or solution the customer will find them and the cash register will start to ring immediately.
Unfortunately, this many times is not the case. We recommend that you do not overlook investing in sales resources to get you out of the starting blocks as fast as possible. Our experience has shown that in many cases a sale will take a number of months to close and this is with proactive effort to manage it through the sales funnel. Sales or really revenue is just as important as product development – you need a tailored plan and you need to invest for the long-term.
Given today’s economic climate, a targeted sales approach becomes even more critical to success. You simply cannot rely on word of mouth, your website, nor marketing to do it all. Companies are inundated with solicitations daily from all sources. A proactive sales approach can help you rise about the rest of the pack. Narrow down your target account list and tailor the message specifically to the particular company as much as possible. The name of the game will be follow up – politely and persistently. It is easy today for your prospect to simply delete mass marketing emails but your viewing rate or call back rate will be higher if you have taken the time to tailor your message to how you can help them tangibly.
Companies today are looking for quantitative returns and your messaging must address this. As Mark mentioned in our previous blog, you need to focus your messaging on: expense reduction, improvements in productivity, or increases in revenue.
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