Sales Prospecting Tips: The Cold Call

Sales Prospecting Tips

When it comes to sales prospecting tips, the cold call is quite important. There has never been a more terrifying word for most people in a company, even sales people. The act of picking up the phone, dialling a stranger, speaking to them and then trying to sell them something in 30 seconds is tough and scary.

Speaking from 15 years of sales experience, spent predominately cold calling this is a fear that can be tamed by the following:

Effectively Researching Your Target

The more effectively you research your target, the more prepared you can be for a conversation with them, or you can tweak an outgoing email to them. The goal of that first conversation is to get them to express an interest and want to learn more.

Not Taking a Prospect & Response Personally

Building up thick skin takes time. Be prepared for a lot of, “sorry, not interested”.

Believe You Can Help Them

Sales as much as it is a science is also an art and part of that art is being passionate about what you are selling them and believing it can truly make a difference in their lives.

Being Consultative

This is not about selling someone something in 30 seconds, rather, it is about understanding what their business pains may be and how you can help. Remember though, the ultimate end goal of a sale. All work should be leading to this.

When making your initial contact, first email the prospect the value proposition and then follow up with a phone call. If you do not get a response to the initial email, you will be left in one of three possible situations including:

Call and Speak to the Contact

On the call, remember to introduce yourself, mention why you are calling, ask probing questions, present the value proposition, handle objections and close for next steps.

Call and Speak to the Office Admin or Secretary

This person, normally the gatekeeper can be your ally if utilized properly. Feel free to ask them for help – notice the word “help” here. People like to help other people generally by nature. They do not like to be told what to do, especially if you have no leverage over them. You can verify if the contact you are calling is the correct one, to book an appointment in the targeted contacts calendar for you etc.

Leave a Voicemail

This should be done as a last resort after repeated failed attempts to contact the individual live. When leaving a voicemail it should be more than 30 seconds in length and indicate who you are, why you are calling and a follow up plan.

Other useful cold calling tips:

  • Call first thing in the morning – try 7:30 a.m.
  • Call in the evening – 5:00 p.m.
  • Try calling from your cell phone or try being redirected from reception or main admin

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Sales Prospecting Tips: The Cold Call