Tips for Delivering a Great B2B Presentation & Online Sales Demo  

The real hard work is done, cold calling is behind you and now you have to prepare a great B2b presentation and online sales demo.  There are a number of things you can do to ensure you deliver a great sales meeting.  If this goes well, this will set you up for the next steps which could be a trial, pilot or maybe even a proposal. 

Tips for delivering a great initial B2B sales presentation and online sales demo include:

  • Confirm your meeting a day or two in advance – lets make sure people are still available to meet.  In many cases these meetings have been scheduled a week or two (or more) in advance so best to confirm.  As part of this confirmation email send along a short agenda.
  • Log in 5 minutes before the meeting – you want to ensure you are there early in case there are any challenges and also to welcome your prospects to the meeting.
  • Start with a round of short introductions – it is always good to get a feeling for who is at the meeting from the prospects end, it could potentially lead to layering in additional information during your presentation and demo.
  • Discuss when questions can be asked – I always preferred keeping presentations and demos as more of a knowledge transfer and conversational especially with a smaller audience so encourage people to ask questions when they have them.  However if you prefer to stop at intervals or at the end that can be done too.
  • Lead off with a short presentation of your company and product(s) before the demo – it is always wise to give the audience an overview of your organization and the solution you will be demo’ing.  Stories sell so having a bit about the company, history, team, current customers, product, benefits, features is all helpful.  Don’t make it too long though.  No more than 7 to 10 slides.  This part should take no more than 20 minutes.
  • Keep the demo tight – follow a methodical approach.  As an example, walk the user through the experience from initially getting started to adding additional team members to how the platform works and various features of interest to the users (this may vary based on the contacts on the call).  
  • Review the action items and follow ups from the meeting – go over all the action items/to dos for both parties at the end.

Good luck with your sales efforts and meetings.  Happy Hunting!

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Tips for Delivering a Great B2B Presentation & Online Sales Demo