google analytics screen

Key Benefits of Having a Google Analytics Account

Google Analytics is a website analytics tool offered by Google that provides insights on how users find and navigate your website. A Google Analytics account helps you analyze your traffic for SEO and other marketing purposes. A Google Analytics account is also incredibly useful for the success of your business. From understanding and optimizing your marketing campaigns to providing insights on appropriate budget allocations.

In this post, we will present some key benefits of having a Google Analytics account to reach your marketing objectives.


No Cost

For one, a Google Analytics account is 100% free of charge. It is all online with no subscriptions attached to it. It covers a vast range of analysis functionalities and tracking stats that other paid analytic tools may offer at no cost. This gives room for your business to spread marketing budget to other things that can help grow your business.


Works with Other Tools and Platforms

Another key benefit of having a Google Analytics account is its ability to be easily integrated with other tools & platforms. Similar to other Google services, The Google Analytics interface works well on any device (desktop, mobile, tablet). By linking Google Analytics & AdWords, you are aligning two different tools and enabling them to work together. This provides your business with useful insights that allows for success of your Adwords campaigns.  

This post will highlight 4 key important benefits of a Google Analytics account that can significantly impact your business.

Providing Information on Bounce Rates

Bounce rates are recorded when a visitor goes on a site and exits the site after visiting one page. When there is a high bounce rate, it means that the website is not providing relevant enough information to engage the user or that they may have stumbled on the site accidentally.

It is extremely important to reduce this rate as much as possible.

Companies typically receive huge traffic but not sufficient conversions. Knowing this information allows for review on keywords selected that may be a bit too broad in describing the content of the site.

Bounce rates are largely reliant on the quality and relevance of the content on the site to a visitor. By understanding what & why pages have a high bounce rate, this helps for better optimization of your site and more importantly your landing page. The goal here is to reduce bounce rate and improve time spent on pages.  


Provides Information on Visitors

A Google Analytics account provides specific data on visitors who access your site. It shows what country, age, gender, interest & device these visitors come from. This information is located in the audience section.

Knowing the information regarding the average age, gender, location and device of the clients that visits your website allows for better optimization of content. In turn this data helps you understand and tailor marketing tactics and campaigns to fit these different criteria. Website sessions and page views can be improved by creating tailored content and use of specific keyword verbiage that may appeal to a targeted audience.


Providing Information on Traffic Source

Google analytics shows you how people are getting to your website. It provides information on the number of people who access your websites through various channels; organic, referral links, social media, paid ads, or from search engines.

Social media platforms are a great way to drive a lot of traffic and engage customers. In order to choose the best platform to advertise to your customers, you need to collect data that a Google Analytics account provides. Depending on the numbers, you can then set and allocate budget to wherever drives the most qualified traffic.

Knowing this information is important as it helps your business pinpoint where its largest audience is coming from and allocate marketing dollars, time and effort to either boost high entry points or enhance other entry points where improvements should be made.


Providing Information on Traffic Flow

With Google Analytics, you are provided with some knowledge to help understand the flow of your users on your website. This data shows key entry points by visitors to your website and how they navigate through it. Data is also provided to show what devices (mobile, desktop, tablet) are common gadgets used to get to your site. Understanding the user flow gives insight on existing user experience and journey through your site and on certain pages.

Like a lot of the above listed benefits, this provides another opportunity to optimize your content accordingly.


Provides Information on Pages

Information provided by analytics shows what pages are performing the best and are frequently viewed. This creates opportunity to either optimize other pages to mirror these high performing pages or find different ways to convert visitors or leads on already popular pages.

Utilizing Google Analytics can change and improve your businesses online presence tremendously. It provides a lot of valuable insights that can be used to improve the performance of your website and increase conversions. It is free and top of the line in managing your analytics.

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Key Benefits of Having a Google Analytics Account