How to Host a Successful B2B Sales Demo

b2b sales demoSo you’ve got your prospect interested and now they want to learn more about your solution.

What can you do to help ensure that your B2B sales demo will be successful?

Here are 5 key things to remember to ensure your demo goes according to plan.

1. Create a Meeting Plan

For any engagement with a prospect it’s important to have a meeting plan in place. A meeting plan is especially important when you have additional members of your team involved in the meeting or demo.

A meeting plan is a great way to review and encapsulate key information related to the prospect and ensure you have a clear goal to word towards during the demonstration. Be sure to check out 5 Keys to Prepare for a Joint Sales Meeting if you would like to know what to include in your meeting plan.

2. Set Up and Test Your Technology Early

For a B2B sales demonstration you may only get one chance to impress your prospect. Whether your demo is conducted over the phone, online, or in person it is important to ensure all components needed for your demonstration are in working order prior to the demo with your client.

All it takes is something little like an incompatible projector cable for your PC or Mac, trouble sharing a screen with an online demo, or trouble with playback on a video to make your prospect question if your solution is worth their time. A well-executed demonstration will build confidence in your prospect that you and your organization could make a capable partner

3. Use Probing Questions to Tailor the Demonstration

Your demos should always be done based on feedback you’ve garnered from your prospect to have it truly resonate with their unique needs. Knowing how to find the customers pain points and utilizing a variety of probing questions will allow you to focus your demonstration on the information that your prospect will find the most valuable.

4. Make the Benefits Quantifiable

To add strength to your solution’s value prop, it’s important to speak to hard, measurable facts. Quantifiable benefits provide your prospects with the opportunity to more accurately measure the value of your solution.

Figures that express how much time, money, or effort can be saved can be used to strengthen your demonstration. Not convinced? Check out our blog post on how quantifying your business benefits helps you sell more for some great examples and added detail.

5. Let Your Prospects Interact with the Demo

Far too often it seems that sales reps fall into the trap of presenting their demo without ever allowing the prospected to ask questions during the demo.

Allowing your prospect to interact and ask questions during the demo provides you with the chance to address their concerns or expand upon something that they are interested in. This lets your solution be better understood by your prospect.

Test out these 5 important tips on your next B2B sales demo and see what how different your results can be.

If you’re interested in learning more about the B2B sales process, check out our free white paper on startup sales to help you drum up new business.

How to Host a Successful B2B Sales Demo