Key Hubspot Benefits for Your B2B Company

I’m a big fan of Hubspot. Hubspot benefits are manifold and it is a very powerful tool that has made my job as a marketer more efficient. I have tried other CRM systems out there, and by far, Hubspot has been more intuitive and user friendly compared to the rest. Our team at VA Partners relies heavily on Hubspot and in fact, we have just recently become a Hubspot Solutions Provider. This allows us to better support our clients in their marketing and sales processes.

First off, let’s discuss what a CRM system is and why you need one. A customer relationship management software helps businesses manage their sales and marketing workflows. It is often difficult to find qualified leads, and a CRM platform allows you to centralize, organize and streamline your marketing communications and database management. The more information you have about your prospects and clients, the better you can target them and offer the best solutions to their challenges and pain points.

One of the top Hubspot benefits is its ease of use. Even as a beginner without much training, Hubspot is easy to learn. The dashboard is simple and well designed. Plus, Hubspot offers a free version. Great for startups and small business that have a limited budget. In this blog I’ll discuss Hubspot benefits that have been a boon to our operations.

Sales and Marketing Teams Can Maintain a Consolidated Database

Are you still using Excel sheets to keep track of leads and customers? One of the most useful Hubspot benefits is allowing your entire team to keep your prospect and customer database in one place. Anyone who has access to the CRM can easily look up information as well as update data when necessary. This does away with maintaining several versions of Excel files that leads to much confusion and takes time to retrieve.

Keep Track of Interactions with Prospects and Customers

It is often acknowledged that in B2B sales transactions, it takes more touches to close the deal. It will be very difficult to track these interactions without a CRM system. One the best Hubspot benefits is the ability of the sales team to add notes in the database when they send out emails or gets on a call with the contact. This helps the sales team track where on the buyer’s journey the lead sits. If the original salesperson handling the account leaves the company, the person replacing him or her can easily pick up the conversation.

Schedule Follow-ups

Because of the longer sales cycle in B2B transactions, it is imperative that sales reps stick to their follow-up strategy. Another great Hubspot benefit is the ability to set up reminders when to touch base with the prospect again to nurture the relationship and remain top of mind. Sales reps can conveniently schedule their follow through in a reasonable time frame and increase the probability of conversion. If the account is to be passed to another teammate, you can quickly assign it to your colleague and he/she will be alerted.

Segment Through Buyer Personas

Buyer personas are descriptions of your ideal customers based on both historical data and industry research. Having buyer personas helps you focus on the qualified prospects you want to target and develop customized offerings appropriate for their needs and requirements. One of the key Hubspot benefits is being able to assign each prospects a persona that helps the marketing team and sales reps develop the right approach and messaging to increase their ability to convert leads.

Create and Track Email Campaigns Within Hubspot

What I love about Hubspot is that I can easily create great looking email campaigns without having any training in graphic design. It provides a free version of Canva, a popular graphic design tool, within Hubspot that helps you create simple images. They also have royalty free photos that you can access. You can either use an email design theme or start from scratch. You simply drag and drop elements and cut and paste your text. No need to have advanced design skills. You can get the hang of it pretty quickly.

After setting up your email list and sending it out, Hubspot will track who opened the emails and which links were clicked. This informs your team which prospects expressed interest and they can prioritize who to follow-up first.

Are you looking for the right CRM or marketing automation solution for your business? Please reach out to our team and we can help you with implementation.

Key Hubspot Benefits for Your B2B Company