8 Tips On How To Network At Tech Startup Events

How to Network

Networking is one of those intimidating words that can leave a person struggling to bring themselves to an event. Putting yourself out there and meeting new people can make almost anyone nervous, no matter how long they have been doing it for. Therefore, I’ve created a list on the 8 tips to teach you how to network at tech startup events.

Within the past several months, I’ve found great networking events in Toronto such as breakfast seminars and lectures hosted at MaRS Discover District and SproutUP TO hosted by Sprouter. For those people like myself, who are new to networking for business, it can be overwhelming.

Here are a few things I have learned:

Put Yourself out There

If a networking event overwhelms you, still go. Don’t shy away from meeting other people and telling others about what you do. Everyone is there for the same reason: to make a connection.

Practice Your Sales Pitch

You are not looking to sell your services or products so there is no need to practice your sales pitch, however, you should be practicing how you will introduce the value proposition of your company. You are not looking to make a sale at a networking event but rather, to sustain a connection and leave an impression and contact information for those you meet.

Talk to Strangers

If you see someone standing alone, go talk to them. I attended Sprouter in November where I met three people simply by saying, “Hi, my name is Stephanie, what brings you here tonight?”

Ask Questions

Once you initiate the conversation and you learn about someone’s business, ask them about it. How long have they been in business? Who is their target customer? Where are they located? What kind challenges have they faced (This question could lead into how you could help them)?

Remember Business Cards

Do not forget to bring at least 15 business cards. Put them somewhere accessible so you’re not fumbling with your purse or wallet.

Talk to as Many People as Possible

Leaving a conversation is difficult. If you have been talking to the same person for over five minutes and are looking to meet others before the event is finished, simply excuse yourself by saying: It was great meeting you and learning about your business. Do you have a business card available? Hand them yours and tell them you hope they enjoy the rest of the night.

Take Notes

The last part of the previous point is very important. Leave your business card with everyone you meet. If they have forgotten their own, make sure you have a pen handy so you can write down their twitter name, LinkedIn or email address.

Connect Once You’re Online

Follow your connections on Twitter, add them to LinkedIn, follow their company on LinkedIn or subscribe to their newsletter (or suggest having them subscribe to yours).

If you’re new to the networking world, or you’ve been in it for years, you are always going to face challenges. The one thing I keep in mind when going to these events is that everyone is there for the same reason: to make a connection. So what you need to do is simple: connect.

To learn more about networking tips, be sure to check out our blog often.

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8 Tips On How To Network At Tech Startup Events