Let’s face it, there is a bit of a science behind the world of social media. It’s important to create a plan to follow in order to gain more followers, share amazing content or get people talking about your product or business. In their HubSpot webinar entitled, The Art of the Perfect Post, Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick share 10 key points to being successful on social media and how to share content worth reading.
Here is a recap of their webinar:
1. Pass the Reshare Test
When you are posting something to social media ask yourself, “Does this post have the potential to be reshared.” If it doesn’t, you probably shouldn’t post it. Only post content that you feel will be beneficial to your audience and will engage them. As Guy put it, “Resharing is the most sincere form of flattery.” You can also use an awesome tool called Google Ripples that will give you insight into the affect you are having on your audience and whether your content is actually being shared and by who.
2. Be Bold
Be true to yourself and your brand. Share content and views that you are proud of and believe in. Don’t be afraid that others won’t agree with your views, it can only create more discussion around important topics. However, you don’t want to share content that will damage your reputation.
3. Be Brief
“When in doubt, shorter is better.” Don’t write too much when posting to social media. Usually a title and link to the content you are sharing will suffice. With Twitter you are only given 140 characters to spread your message. Don’t forget to also leave some room for others to share and add additional comments.
4. Credit Your Source
People love to be acknowledged for great work, and so they should! Make sure to tag the person whose work you are sharing. It creates a better relationship between both parties, and who knows, maybe they will share your content in the future too.
5. Add Drama
It’s been proven that posts that have an image associated with them have a better open rate. Make sure that you are attaching images to your posts, and if an image doesn’t already exist you can create one using Canva.
6. Embrace Hashtags
Hashtags make the world go round, and your content get found. They are a great way to engage in conversation with others and connect information. Make sure to utilize hashtags when it is relevant.
7. Schedule and Spread Out
There are some great tools to help you keep your social media organized. HootSuite, Buffer and Sprout Social are great social scheduling tools that will keep your content flowing. You want to make sure that you are sending out content throughout the day instead of at just one time. It will help keep you present throughout the day on social media and keep your audience engaged. If you’re wondering what your best times to tweet are you can also check out Social Bro.
8. Post Often
You want to be memorable, therefore it is important to post continuously throughout the day in order to be consistent. Chances are, different members of your audience are active at different times of the day on social media. You want to make sure that your content is reaching everyone, so post throughout the day.
9. Cross Post
You can share the same content over different social media platforms, but try not to send the same post out at once. Do some research. If there are posts that you are finding to be extremely popular on one platform, try sharing it on another.
10. Check With an Incognito Page
It’s important to know how your online presence is being viewed by others. Once and awhile check out how your social media pages look to other people. Use incognito pages to do some investigation on yourself.
Do you have any great tips for creating the perfect post? If so, comment below. Or, if you are looking to have great sales, marketing and social media content delivered right to your inbox, sign up for our newsletter.