4 WordPress Plugins to Make Writing Blog Posts Easier

Wordpress pluginHaving the right blogging tools can dramatically reduce the amount of time and effort required to draft content. From organizing upcoming blog posts, spell checking, setting the right title and finding stock photos quickly, here are four WordPress tools to make writing blog posts easier.

1. Editorial Calendar

The Editorial Calendar makes it possible to see all your posts and drag and drop them to manage your blog. This is helpful when you write posts in advance or if you have multiple authors contributing to a blog. Visually seeing all your blog posts helps organize and schedule your blog posts properly.

editorial calendar

2. TinyMCE Spellcheck

One disadvantage of drafting your blog post right in WordPress instead of in a Word document is not having spell check to identify typos. Even when you read and re-read your work, sometimes you just miss small mistakes. Fortunately, if you’re using WordPress, there are plugins like TinyMCE Spellcheck to overcome this issue.


3. Title Experiments Free

There’s an art to writing great blog post titles, but The Title Experiments plugin allows you easily test your blog post titles. It allows you to put in different titles, then the plugin displays the variations and tracks the amount of click-throughs for each title.


4. Finding Stock Photos

Images in blog posts and social media updates are known to improve engagement and clicks. There’s a number of free stock photo websites that you can use to find images. The Pixabay Images plugin for WordPress makes finding photos even easier by giving you access to the stock photos from pixabay.com right in WordPress.


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4 WordPress Plugins to Make Writing Blog Posts Easier