Blog Creation: WordPress Best Practices

In the past, we’ve discussed at length the importance of blogging when it comes to marketing, especially in the B2B space. Today, we will cover WordPress bestpractices, and even though we are speaking about WordPress blogs specifically, a lot of these best practices can be applied to any platform that you may be hosting your blog on.

Topic: Choose a blog topic that provides value to your target audience. How can your business be a solution for them? 

Keywords: If you are looking to reach a wider audience, and have your blog post rank higher on search engines, then you should take the time to consider relevant keywords for your post. You can utilize different tools including Soovle,, Google Search Console, and Google Keyword Planner. These tools help you see how a keyword tanks, and also helps you find related keywords that you can include in your blog post. 

SEO: Keywords are just one component of SEO. It is important to also consider 

  • Organising your content in a clean manner. Adding subheadings and breaking the text with images helps do this 
  • Add relevant keywords to the embedded images in their metadata. Metadata is the data that gives more context to the images including their descriptions and file names. 
  • Keep your blog post to a manageable length that helps with SEO which is around 1700-2400 words. 

Focus on Content: High quality content is a main driver of your website traffic. Your content needs to be unique, valuable and relevant to your audience. This is a great way to show your audience how your business can be a solution for them. By creating unique, and original content you will appear higher up in the rankings when it comes to Google. 

Add an Image or Video: Adding an image or video into your post will further help optimize your post. It is such a simple addition to your content, that unfortunately a lot of blog writers do not include. It is important to ensure that the images are fast loading, and also relevant to your content. In the end, the image should enhance your content. Once you have your chosen image, make sure that you provide proper file names by utilizing keywords to help with SEO. 

SEO Friendly URLS: Seo friendly URLS are easy to remember for customers, while also looking cleaner and more professional. You want your URL to be descriptive and brief. A short URL is quicker to type and to read. Your URL should contain your keyword that you want your page to rank for. Since search engines use your URL to understand what your content is all about. 

Call to Action: At the end of your blog, it is important to give them a call to action. What do you want them to do? Contact you? Leave a comment or review? These steps are important for funnelling potential customers through your sales funnel. 

Think Mobile: More and more users are consuming content on their mobile devices, therefore you should make sure that your blog post is mobile friendly and easily consumed on a mobile device. Not only is it a better user experience, having your blog easily displayed on mobile also helps with your SEO ranking. 

Whether you are using WordPress, or another platform, success will be seen when you adopt these WordPress best practices. If you are looking for more ways to enhance your marketing strategy, connect with us.

Blog Creation: WordPress Best Practices