How To Sell With Social Media

How to Sell With Social Media

We’re increasingly aware of the power that it has, but in the business world, it’s time to learn how you can sell with social media. I’m sure that by now a majority of you know that a social media component can complement any marketing strategy, but what you may not have known is that it can help you sell. At present, there is no set equation for social media strategy success. There is a lot of literature out there as to what you can or should do, but much of it really depends on what your goals are and whether they are business or personal.

Earlier this week, I attended Joseph Thornley’s Third Tuesday Toronto — Personal Brand Camp where author and successful social media icon Mitch Joel spoke on a variety of topics relevant to students, businesses, hobbyists, and to HR/PR personnel. I diligently took note via UberTwitter, using my twitter-blackberry platform as an interactive notepad where other attendees helped me compose some notes using #TTT (event reference or forum, on Twitter — # called a hashtag). Throughout his forty-five minute speech, Mitch Joel passionately developed this idea of personal branding and businesses via these essential points (leading to a successful social media strategy).

Blogging Requires Passion, Honesty, and Pulse

  • Your pulse is your frequency—you don’t need to continuously tweet on Twitter, or write a blog entry for each passing day. One suggestion is the 300-3 rule (300 words, 3 days a week). Pulse is what you talk about—why people follow you, and what you’re offering. This is your online profile’s behaviour.
  • Relevance is important. How does the information you provide align with what your followers are looking for?
  • “Don’t blog to be known; blog to be knowable. Viral marketing isn’t a strategy—it’s an outcome.” – Mitch Joel


  • To assess whether or not you are able to hold an interesting one on one conversation, or your sell-ability, ask yourself: “Would I want to sit beside myself during dinner?”
  • The social scene isn’t about who can talk the most—it’s also about how well you listen. Listen to your clients, your partners, the industry, and your competition.
  • Quality, not quantity. Mitch Joel on Twitter suggests that you can still be successful with only three quality followers versus 100 inactive followers. Facebook analysts also suggest that your business has growth potential, even if your fan page only has 0.005% of Starbucks, or Dell’s Fan base – so long as your fans are active and loyal.

Etiquette — Do’s and Do Not’s

An audience member asked Mitch what some of the twitter “faux-pas” were. Mitch responded by providing three of his pet peeves:

  • He hates it when people use other people. Remember, it’s about what you can give, not asking favours. An example would be me asking my friend, “Hey, can you please RT (retweet) this for me?” Here, I’m using my friend, not “giving” him any value.
  • Having too much information. Again, your pulse defines what is too much. How much of your personal life do you feel is necessary for your blog
  • Don’t talk about brands. Your blog isn’t about brands—it’s about you; Your Likes, dislikes, thoughts, and comments. When you speak about brands, you’re doing their job.

This event prodded me to re-think my own set of social media goals, and where I want to be in the social scene. He asserted: “Your brand isn’t what you say it is; it’s what Google says it is.” So let me ask, what’s your brand?

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How To Sell With Social Media