Types of Blog Posts [Infographic]

Types of Blog Posts

Blogs are beneficial to your website because they help increase your searchability, give your company credibility and provide useful information to your target audience. When blogging, it’s important to choose a format that works for your business and readers. If there are different styles that work with your brand, great! Switching up formats will keep your readers coming back for more information and keep them from getting bored. Here are some of our favourite types of blog posts, however, there are plenty more options out there.

1. Lists

Generally, blogs that are written in a list format are easier to read and help your reader take next steps as points are broken down into paragraphs.

View an example of a list blog.

2. How-To

How-to blogs help showcase your expertise and convey information to your following that can help them carry out their daily tasks.

View an example of a how to blog.

3. Event Recap

Attend a great event recently? Write a recap so others can benefit from what you have learned. Highlight your favourite points from the event and provide a link so that your readers can check it out for themselves.

View an example of an event recap blog.

4. Video

Video is becoming increasingly more popular as people are drawn to visuals. Consider giving video blogs a try to draw in your audience and provide useful information.

View an example of a video blog.

5. Guest Posts

Invite others from your industry to contribute to your blog. This can help with link building, gain a larger following, and increase your authority.

View an example of a guest blog.

6. Resources

Similar to guest posts, blogs that focus on showcasing resources also help with link building and present your readers with useful information.

View an example of a resource blog.

There are also ways to repurpose existing blogs which allows you to revise outdated information and improve SEO. For further reading, download our white paper, An Introduction to Inbound Marketing.

Types of Blog Posts

* Click on the image above to download the infographic.

Types of Blog Posts [Infographic]